the artful hand
dessiner est le geste le plus naturel,le plus universel:des fresques ds lascaux aux messages envoyés dans l'univers à destination des extra-terrestres, l'homme n'a pas trouvé ds prolongement plus evident. dessiner et pour l'enfant le premier mode d'expression et de communication.
Previous Posts
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
The Rendez vous:
Sitting on a bench in far woods -
With a Red rose in my hand;
The petals would fall one by one.
And Time would pass very slowly...
Touching my broken heart hardly -
With a soft wind of ancient hopes..
Yes, long hours would pass by,
As heavy as lead fallen into sea!!
Yes, I would wait for long hours,
For my lover to come - for love...
And still the petals would fall all
Until the night would join the wood
But still, no one would come -
Either for love or nothing at all!
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